Moody Gardens is an indoor habitat learning center in the shape of a pyramid, along with a 2nd pyramid in which we rode a "Swimming with Dophins" simulator ride---uggghhh, I feel seasick remembering it---
Walking through the rain forest was a favorite. You could look down and see fish swimming all around, birds just out and about in the open, GIGANTIC fish that looked like they could/would eat you if given the right opportunity, butterflies all around. It was just so relaxing and warm.....aaaahhhhh. I'd love to go back again !
Whenever we had company or family visit, Galveston Island was where we wanted to spend time with them and share one of our favorite places.
In fact, here's Jeff's little brothers: Josh (in the cowboy hat) and Stephen (in the bright blue shirt).
I still can't believe how little and precious all of them look!
This picture is from a night out ALONE for mommy and daddy. We ate at FishTales restaurant and enjoyed strolling down the Strand shopping district holding hands.....
We especially thought the scarlet ibis was a beautiful bird, but after this trip, David wasn't so sure he wanted to see one ever again.
David was about 2 years old on this particular trip and enjoyed his stroller ride through the rain forest. We paused under the branch of a large tree and looked down at the fish. Only we didn't pay attention to what was perched on the branch of the tree and the proximity it was to David.
The infamous ibis
All of a sudden, we heard David say in a horribly offended tone:"Ewwwwwww.......uckkkkkkkk" over and over again and running his hands through his thick blond hair.
Well, it was mostly blond.
Poor David! This was a splattery mess a bird could write home about. I had to take him into the restroom for a complete hairwash with hand soap. It really shocked David, because he remembers it to this day. When we talk about Moody Gardens, he'll say, "Yeah, where that bird pooped all over my head!"
EEEWWWWWWWW! David I feel your pain! I got a head full of poop but I got mine was on the ferry!!!! Sooooo gross!!!!
GRRRRR!!! I can't even type know what I mean, huh? ;-)
You probably got your head full of poop from the gulls we were feeding on the ferry!!
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