Monday, February 19, 2007

And the Insane Mother-of-the-Year Award Goes To.....

.....Bonnie Forester
Jenna had her 3rd birthday on Dec. 22nd. Way too close to Christmas to invite friends for a party. Then there's New Year. Then there's everybody getting back to school. Then there's mom who just keeps putting it off because her little girl doesn't know she's getting scammed....

But David's birthday is Feb. 18. He's 10. He's too old to get scammed. He's old enough to keep counting down the days. Jenna's a pretty smart little cookie who keeps catching onto the words "birthday party" which David keeps throwing around the house a few times each day.
"Mommy, is it almost MY birthday?"

"Yep, pretty soon. It's coming pretty soon."

There was no getting out of a birthday party for David, and I was still feeling guilty about Jenna. So I had both parties ON THE SAME DAY. I figured we would just trash the house ONCE instead of twice.

It turned out pretty well, all being said. We just kept rotating party groups through some games. A few moms stayed, so the adult company was nice too!

One little girl won an AirHead candy for winning pin-the-tail on the donkey. She said, "Is this all I get?" HAHAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard. Isn't it great when it's somebody else's kid that says that for once?? (Aren't you secretly happy when some OTHER toddler cries in the store?? See, I'M a GOOD parent! LOL)

Jenna had a princess theme for her party. The boys who came were the brave knights!

Her Sleeping Beauty costume is a little big, so the front really sags down. We thought it was funny she needed to wear her shirt underneath it due to the "plunging neckline" on a 3 year old.

David couldn't decide on a theme, so he just stuck with "birthday party". He got a new game for his DS, and basketball pants from mom and dad.'s the day after the parties. The house is still trashed.
Oh, well.
The kids are happy, and mommy wants a HOT bubble bath.

1 comment:

Renee said...

looks like your having a fun!! We miss ya. Love, Renee