Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Parakeet World

David saved up his birthday money and was anxious to buy himself a lizard. He's been wanting an iguana for about a year. I haven't been wanting an iguana for about a year.

After spending some time in the pet store (where Jenna was literally begging for a RAT-eww!), I commented to David, "Boy, those lizards don't really do a whole lot, do they?" Jeff just looked at me and smiled; he knew the point I was trying to make. Hahahaha

That comment made a lot of sense to David as he studied them for awhile trying to make up his mind.

I've been wanting a couple of finches for awhile, so I suggested David and Jonathan pool their money and each get a parakeet--you know, they hop around, fly around, chirp and sing. A whole lot more action than a lizard--and not so much smell. Ick.

So far, they've been fun to have. I've got 4 finches (2 society, 2 spice) that chirp and sing pretty little ditties. Jenna's parakeet (Koochie) is friendly, as well as David's bird (Blueberry). I have named Jonathan's bird "Devil Bird" because he's a little grumpy and bites hard! I wouldn't mind stuffing the little devil back into the Petsmart box and exchanging him for, I don't know, a less EVIL one?

When I decide to do something, I sure don't do it half-heartedly. We've gone from 0 to 7 birds in one Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No.......I WILL NOT watch your birds next time you leave town!
