Thursday, July 13, 2006


We have a 30 pound, black, cocker/lab dog.

He's really cute and friendly (except to strange men!), but he has a need for speed.

He's a Houdini contortionist when he thinks it would be great to get out of the yard and mark the neighborhood bushes.

My latest mistake was putting a tag on him with his name and my phone number on it.

Seems he got out late last night and ran a couple of blocks away. A nice man caught him and kept him in the backyard.


My stupid cell phone easily turns the ringer off, and when I looked at my phone this morning....I'd missed 9 calls and 4 voice mails.

Shadow got to barking at the other dogs around the man's house and keeping everyone awake. The guy took Shadow to the police dpt. I called the police department this morning and said I was on my way.

I was almost to the station, when they called and said Shadow was enroute to the Animal Shelter.

I made a couple of calls to find out where the shelter was, and the kids and I made a positive ID on the dog.

I didn't have a signed rabies paper or city license. GRRRR!!

side rant: why is there a stinking fee for EVERYTHING!

I asked the lady what his fees would be when I picked him up tomorrow (since there is an overnight wait period with the shots)

She informed that there was a $62 fee for his impoundment, rabies fee and license, and I would have to pay for it NOW.

I said, "Is that so you'll be sure I'll actually come back to get him?"

She didn't that was funny. I did.

I made my check out, and in the memo line I wrote "stupid dog".
So now I have to drive back there again tomorrow to pick him up.


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