Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Addiction

I've got to stop ordering the Grande size of Starbucks!
I can handle the Tall size PRETTY well, but a Grande-sized peppermint mocha nearly makes me crazy.
Well, actually, it makes the people around me crazy.

I get so fired up with energy that I can't sit still and my brain is going 100 miles an hour....and the later it is at night....the funnier everything seems!
It's my own personal, legal version of cocaine.

Proof of that is that I am posting this at 2:06 a.m. and I still have enough energy left in me to vacuum my gutters.

I can't quit typing, either.


But it tastes so good. Extra whip-cream is nice.

Is there a 24 hour Starbucks around here?

Is there a drink limit?

Wonder what time they open.

Gotta get myself one of those fancy coffee machines for home!

Time for an intervention.


Anonymous said...

Ha!! And this from the woman who didn't even have coffee in her home to fix for her friend!! We had to make a trip to Walgreens for some coffee and filters! :-)
Love ya!

*Bonnie* said...

Hey, girl, the coffee can is still in the fridge! Come on over!!