Monday, December 19, 2005

Getting Past Security

I remember how we would try to sneak past security guards to get into buildings to sell candy--what a giggly "rush" it was to make it to the elevators, etc. I remember being picked up by the police in Niles? Michigan with Ronnie Bostian as my partner for selling without a permit in the city. He dropped us of at McDonald's to wait for our van which was going to pick us up at the end of the afternoon. We waited awhile, and when we thought the coast was clear, we took off again to a strip mall.He was waiting for us when we walked out of a business. Man, he was mad! "I told you....blah...blah....yelllllllll!" We were mortified, of course, and he took us right back to McDonald's. This time we stayed put. And what an exciting story we had---and,boy, did we laugh as we talked about what happened over and over with each other.

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