Monday, December 19, 2005


This happened while I was selling on the Tallman Holmes Building Corner of Wacker and whatever. Tina was across the street at the Opera House corner.

Sometimes, I'd just be in kind of a trance out there. Thinking about whatever, just lost in my own little world. I'd robotically ask people to buy candy and be somewhat surprised when they'd stop to look at what I had to offer.

All my candy was in those (in)famous white, crinkly bags....think big Wal-Mart type. I had them stashed in a corner of the building, out of the way of people traffic, but where I had easy access for a refill on my show boxes. Apparently it was just too much for a couple of thugs to resist.

I had just finished a show-and-tell session with a buyer. That's where you show them each individual box and tell them what's in each box. As I stepped back to replenish the box I'd just sold, my heart dropped into my stomach. My bags were gone!

I was starting to panic and get mad at the same time. Also in front of the Tallman Building was a CTA bus stop. I stepped further out on the sidewalk, and checked out the people waiting for the bus. There were two big guys waiting there. One of them had a bag stuffed back into the side of his coat under his arm. The other one had a bag just in front of his knees between his legs.

I got all fired-up in a hurry. How dare they??!! What jerks!!
I gave them my dirtiest look, which wasn't hard to come up with since I was sooooo mad. I hissed at them with disgust:
"What do you think you're doing?! Give me back that candy; I need it!"

They didn't run away with my candy. They didn't leave the candy and run away. They laughed. Yes, they laughed right at me and let me snatch my bags from their hands.
"She needs her candy....bwaaaahaaaahaaaa!!"

I guess a mad, scrawny 14 year-old demanding anything from 2 thugs came across as hilarious.
The bus pulled up and they got on and rode away-----without my candy!
And the mad, scrawny 14 year-old was victorious!

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